PCS is a privately owned company that has been in business since 1988 and is considered a leader in the field of Petrochemical project planning and implementation.  Registered as a small business (about 100 employees),  many of our highly qualified and experienced people have been with us for many years.  We have worked with most major oil companies to manage and implement multimillion dollar Technical, Mechanical and Capital projects where each day of schedule can make or break the year-end balance sheet of our large multinational clients.  These companies entrust us with their major projects primarily because our personnel are among the best in the business as our references and past projects will dictate.
Our Company’s strongest skill is its ability to work with client personnel to quickly achieve their goals by utilizing the expertise of our employees experience as to what systems and practices work best in a given environment.  No two companies are alike, but all process plants need to optimize system availability, minimizing equipment costs, and integrate their supply chain to minimize transaction costs and overhead.  Our goal is for companies to utilize their equipment and software tools to eliminate human resources from performing tasks for which software or machinery is better suited.  This makes for happy employees and more profitable bottom lines.